Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ready for bed

I was talking to a friend, who just moved across the country, a few nights ago (yeah, you know who you are!). When I told her that I was starting a blog, she asked me if it was a "mommy blog". My knee jerk reaction was an emphatic no. A "mommy blog"?...eeew. The words themselves make my skin crawl. Don't get me wrong, I love being a mom, but something about the label really grosses me out. I guess it's just the fact that it is a label that bothers me. I've always resisted labels or anything else that would pin me down. I wouldn't join The Girl Scouts, no way; and I've always sought out my independence, freedom from what is expected. Those are the key words right there, freedom from what is expected.
Her question did give me something to think about though. What is my blog going to be about? There will certainly be a lot of mommy in my blogging because it is what I do, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. I've been cruising through various blogs today and find that I am already quite addicted to this little blogging community. Why didn't I do this sooner? I'm excited about reading blogs by people who have the same interests that I do, learning things, following stories, and corresponding. My blog has been taking shape in my mind all day, we'll just see if this tired mommy can keep up.
That said, it has been a crazy day of sleep deprivation here in the Manriquez house. Gia woke up at 1:00 last night, which is standard and then she woke up at 3:30 which is pretty standard too ( it's usually 4:00, but whose keeping count?). Only, last night (or early morning I should say) I couldn't get her back to sleep. By 5:00 I went and woke up Dave because I thought a different set of hands would do the trick. Boy, was I wrong. She just became more awake. I'm too dang tired to go into all the details of our little myriad of wakefulness, but let's just say it wasn't pretty. We finally stopped trying as the 6 o'clock hour approached and just let her play. I thought I could get some breakfast into her and then nurse her back down by about 7, but I was wrong there too. Finally, around 8 I put her in the car and drove. She was out before we even left the neighborhood. It was just one really bad, botched up mess of an early morning. Then tonight, she actually resisted going down to bed. And here I am tweaking out on the computer! Don't I know how tired I am...don't I realize!
Thanks for reading this rambling, disjointed, mommy of a blog. Goodnight.


tricia said...

Hi Annie! Have fun with this! I will be a faithful reader and may even post sometimes. Check out several of my friends who have blogs you will like: Christa Blakey is the wife of the man who was the high school pastor at my church. They now live in Aliso Viejo , Bobby is high school pastor at Compass Bible Church. Christa does a really good job of balancing mommy stuff and her reflections, reading comments, etc. Her's is Bobby's is Another friend is Derek Brown, who used to to be the jr. high pastor at my church and is now in seminary for a ph.d. His meaty blog is
I know I need to call you and I will this week! We all love you and your cute and happy crew. Muah!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's right! I'm the friend who just moved across the country! I know who I am! Anyway, the blog sounds great. I love you guys, and holy moly do I miss you!

Love you!