Thursday, February 7, 2008

My Birthday

These were taken at Moonlight Beach. We were celebrating my birthday a day early. It was a lot of fun. First we played on the playground and then we joined a drum circle for a little while. Afterward Dave and Gia took me to dinner. Gia loved being in the drum circle and cried when we had to leave. She has a lot of rhythm and loves to dance as well as play the air piano. She wants to play on every piano that we see (no,we don't

happen across pianos everyday...but we do on occasion), I hope that someday she will want to take lessons and follow in her uncle's footsteps to become a pianist. She also loves to play the bongos when they are available at worship on Tuesday mornings. She has even had the chance to play the guitar and loved it.

1 comment:

Dave said...

My little drummer girl